The design features a girly serif phrase with a handwritten font design that reads “Love yourself first.” The graphic style incorporates two different fonts with a feminine look – a handwritten font and a bold serif font. The color scheme includes pink and black tones, with the characters filled in. The phrase is displayed horizontally, with the handwritten font overlapping and intertwining with the rest of the text. This design is perfect for individuals who appreciate typography, femininity, and self-love.
Girly serif phrase with handwritten font design
The design features a girly serif phrase with a handwritten font design that reads "Love yourself first." The graphic style incorporates two different fonts with a feminine look - a handwritten font and a bold serif font. The color scheme includes pink and black tones, with the characters filled in. The phrase is displayed horizontally, with the handwritten font overlapping and intertwining with the rest of the text. This design is perfect for individuals who appreciate typography, femininity, and self-love.
Categories: girly, line, men, typography, women